
World War II

William C. Knapp​

Korean War

Bill Hartsock

Louis Heldenbrand

Leroy Hensley

Vietnam War

Jim (James) Hayden
William (Fred) Jackson

Wesley L Jackson
Jim Johnson
Roland Joiner
Mark Kamm
Larry Kumm
​Ed LeClair

Russell Lehan
Louis Lemke
Irwin Levorson
Duane Lubben
Keith Luchtel
Harold Lunsford
Carl Lyons
Douglas McQueen
Patrick McQueen
Carl Moll
​Daniel Murphy Jr
​Delbert (Butch) Niebuhr

Lebanon & Grenada
Toby Cozad
Brian Irish
Lloyd Lammers
Stephen Metz
Tony Meyer
Herbert Weigel

 Gulf War/War on Terrorism/Other

Jeff Hanselman
​Joseph Hansman

Jacob (Luke) Haverstick
Brian Hart

Randy Hartley

Patrick Junker
Vince Junker

​Joseph Kelley

​Victor Kersey

Kyle Mahannah

Floyd May
Melinda McGregor
Gavin Minor
Ben Nashleanus
​Mark Ross

Post Everlasting Members Since Post Revitalization in 2003

Don Harris
Graham Hazen
Joseph Herman
Richard Hulse
Donald Jennings
Fletcher Jennings
John Jensen
Arthur Joura
Larry Kinsey

Russ Knuth
​Jim Koch
Lawrence Linnemann
Walter Manning
Fred Martens

Gordon Martens
Clifford Marten
Dillon Merical​

Paul McFarland
Ed McNair

Greatest Generation WWII Honored At Post Ceremony May 29, 2004

Max Gebhardt

Lawrence E. Geist
John V. Gibson
Verlin Gibson
Lyle Gillespie
Wayne Golightly
Carl Goodson
George E. Goodson
James E. Goodson
John Goodson
Howard Gowin
Vegas L. (Ike) Graham
Cass Green
Clarence Grimes
Donald Grimes
John Grisso
Arthur G. Grover
Ralph M. Grover
Jim Gumble
Herschel W. Guthrie
Paul J. Gutshall
Kenneth Hague
Robert A. Hansen
Kenneth Hanson
Bud Harkins
Carroll Harnett
Bob Harris
Bob Harrison
Henry Harvey
Robert A. Harvey
Robert E. Harvey
Carl R. Hazen
Joseph M. Herman
Virgil Herring
Dolan Hiatt
Chester Hildebrand
Frank Hines
Richard Holland
Robert Horris
Everett Hougham​
​Othol House
Russ Howell
Richard D. Hulse
Jimmie Hunter
Don L. Hutchins
Thomas Ingersol
Harvey Ingram III
Schuyler Ingram
Paul Jackson
Richard Jeffrey
Fletcher Jennings
John Jensen
Agustav Johnson
Calvin Johnson
Clayton Johnson
Gilbert F. Johnson
Herman Johnson
Howard Johnson
Irwin W. Johnson
Keith Jones
Harold Jordan
Leonard Jordan
Robert Jordan
Nyle Jorgensen
Aaron M. Jungman
Esther Jungman
Robert Jungman
Doyle Kane
Guy Kaufman
Joseph Keagle
Willian Frances Keifer
Charles Kinney
Carroll Kirscher
Walter Koch
David Kruidenier Jr.
Paul Clinton Lacox
Wayne Albert Lacox
Russell S. Lander
Carl A. Landers
Donald Landers
Harold Landers
Oren B. Landers
Russell Landers
Joseph M Lanning
Charles E. Lenius
​Betty Lien
Victor Lien
Clifford Lieneman
Don Lienemann
W. C. Lienemann
Earl G. Linn
Lloyd Linn
Paul Linn
Lewis Lint
Louie Gene Lint
Robert G. Lint
Robert S. Lint
Donald Lister
Bernard Littlepage
Carrol Loper
Frank Luscombe
Carl W. Lyons
Walter Manning
Clifford Mark
Eugene Martens
Irvin Martens
Virgil O. Mason
Donald McAlister
Harold D. McClurg
Hugh McCorkle
Lloyd McCorkle
Rex McCoy
Leonard McKinney
Dale McNair
Russell Wayne McNair
Don McQueen
Dillon H. Merical
Clifford R. Merrifield
Jack Merryman
Warren Meyers

The National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. honors America’s World War II generation. 

On May 29, 2004, Post 403 resolved that it also expresses its’ sincere gratitude to this generation of Americans who lived through the World War II period.  While not all could serve in the military, all of this generation went through a life-changing event.  Whether they supported the war effort by serving in the battle zone; working the soil to provide food and clothing, manning the factories to keep America armed and strong, building the ships to float our fleets, raising the family to continue our posterity; educating the young to strengthen our resolve; providing the moral fiber to live for another day – all served and all supported our nation. 

They were ordinary people who over half-century ago did nothing less than help save the world.  Help us to honor this generation of Americans as we remember their deeds.


Harold M. Rees

Charles Smith

​​Sam Pelletteri

​Edward Redalen
Charles (Buck) Robinson
Michael Rubio
Gary Sacker
Gerald Scott

Alan Sieck 

Cathleen Simpson
Kenneth Stinson
Larry Strong
​Dennis Sutherland

​Ronald Taylor

Terry Vande Kamp

Dean Vangundy  
Mark Wall
Rex Wambold
Mike Weigel

David White
Jerry Witmer
Jerry Wild
​Bruce Zenge

​​​Jeremy Sacker

​Tony Schmitz

Cyrus Schoonmaker

​Carl Sells

Henry Sieck
​Eric Slaughter
David Steffen
Matthew Tipling

Angela Van Manen

David Verdi
John Volk
Edward Watson

Danny Wood
Cory Zahrt

Lloyd Miller

​Michael Moroney            

​Dean Nelson
Vic Olson
Willard Parkinson

​John Pirillo​​​​​​​​​​

Robert Radke
Wayne Reed

Robert Richards

Paul Ritchie
Warren Rockhill

​Terrance Simonson

Frank Sisson
Jack Stewart
Roy Stewart
Don Stover
Gordon Suckow
John Taylor

Doris Tovrea
Clyde Van Pelt

William Weller
Richard White
Marsha Whiteaker
William Wild


Walter Miles
Robert Miller
Russell Mintle
George Moore
John (Jack) R. Moore
Rex Moore
William N. Morris
Claude V. Muck
Earnest Mueller
Curtis Edgar Murphy
​​Nedda Murphy
Bill Myers
Ray Myers
Warren Myers
Arvin Nelson
Ralph Nesbit
Thomas Nesselroad
Thomas Neville
George E. Newsom
Marshall J. Newsom
Kenneth D. Newsom
Donald Nichols
Harold Nida
William Niendorf
Don Nyle
Marion Ostrander
Carroll Padley
John A. Padley
Virgil Palmer
Wilbur Palmer
Willard Parkison
Elmer Patterson
Paul E. Patterson
Benny Phillips
Kenneth L. Phillips
Alfred Pierce
Fayette Pierce
Harold Pierce
James Pierce
Roy E. Pierce
Charles Piercy
Earl Powell
Clifford Rater
Keith Rater
Merle Reece
Herbert Reed
Bernal Reese
Walter W. Reeves
Charles Leo Rehbein
George Rehbein
Harold Rehbein
Howard Rehbein
Kenneth Rehbein
Wilbur Rhoades
Russell Richards
Harold Rinnard
Curtis Roberg
Warren Rockhill
William Rogers
Robert E. Sackett
Dan Schabillion
Leland Schley
Don Schoeberlein
John Scott
Bill Seefeld​
​Mildred Seefeld
Walter C. Selover
Gordon Shambaugh
Hubert Shambaugh
Phillip Shambaugh
Ralph Shambaugh
Robert Shambaugh
Leonard Shediwy
Roland Shetterly
Ronald G. Short
Robert Slaven
Robert Slycord
Harry Smith

​Hubert Smith
Ira S. Smith
Paul F. Smith
Ralph Smith
Russell Smith
William Sopher
Raymond Spatz​
Robert Stevenson
Roy J. Stewart
Arthur L. Stigers
Kenneth Stone
Neil Storck
Paul George Storck
Harold S. Stump
Maurice Stump
Max Stump
Wesley Stump​
​Dale Suckow
Wesley W. Swallow
Russell Tawney
Harold Taylor
Philip R. Taylor
Lonnie Thomkins
David D. Thompson
Glen Thompson
Cecil Thornburg
Ray Thornburg
​LaVoy Thornton
Francis Tiernan

​James Tiernan
Philip Tillman
Kenneth George Voll
Charles Earl Walters
Mason Witt
Alvis Wolfe
Ted C. Wolfe
Clyde Wright
Loren K. Wright
Avery Wyncoop
Robert C. Yapp
Robert Zabloudil
LaVern Zlomke​

American Legion Post 403

December 2003 marked the date when American Legion Post 403 decided against turning in its charter with the American Legion Department of Iowa. Instead the Post elected to "Legion revitalize" and move forward again as a community based non-profit organization. The original charter of the Van Meter Post was 1946 and had reached a membership high of 119.  Early on in the "revitalize" process, our Post established goals to guide and provide specific purposes for its renewed existence. These Post goals were founded on the Four Pillars of the American Legion:

  • Veterans Affairs and rehabilitation
  • National Security
  • Americanism
  • Children & Youth

Our Post goals were firmly grounded on giving back to the communities - education and support of youth, veterans,
and veterans' families in our Post member territories. The Post goals established were:

1. Recognition, support, and fellowship to all people who have honorably served in the armed forces.

2. Effectively promote and manage Post 403's Veteran's Reception Center.
3. Identify community activities or projects that we can provide support in monetary or volunteer assistance to
enhance our environment and bring recognition to Post #403.
4. Provide educational opportunity to our youth so they may better understand the meaning of serving our
country and community.

Chauncey (Jake) Chapman
​Richard Easter
Keith Gunzenhauser

Michael Abildtrup

​Lynn Berry
Allen Boes

Daniel Breckenridge
​Daniel Burger
Terry Clark
Ken Coppick

C J Couvillion
Jeff Crittendon

​Donald Davis

Jack Davis

Carroll DeVries
Vern Eagen
Dave England
Dave Floden
Bill Ganoe

​William Gordon

Andrew Grovo
Terry Hoy
Mark Hansen
Robert Hartman

​Allan Adams
Gregory Allen
​Steven Avis
Ken Bahr

James (Nick) Barnett
Anthony Bradley
Daniel Clayton

Perry Cook
Adam Coyle
Nick Crawford

Ron Culver

David Cruse
Brad Dostal
​Timothy Fisher
Jim Freese

Leroy Aldrich
Charles Baker
Ed Barlean
Fred Bomar
Vincent Booge
Kenny Brooker

Gene Carpenter
Paul Carpenter
Jeff Clark

Leonard Cannavo

John B. Cashman
James Cushing
Archie Dunbar
Robert Feldman

Frances Forrett
Harold French
Dale Golightly
George Goodson
Wayne Graham
​Jerry Guisinger
Paul Gutshall


​Charles Aldrich
Paul Aldrich
Walter D. Aldrich
Darrell Allen
Delois Allen
Erwin D. Allen
Ralph Allen
Willis Allen
Earl Anderson
Terry Anderson
Carl Andrew
Galen Andrew
Harold Andrew
Richard Andrew
Berneal Armstrong
Phyllis Armstrong
Jack Arnold
Lon A. Arnold
William H. Arnold
Leonard Austin
Harold Bailey

Kenneth Bainter
Robert E. Baker
Glenn Bales
Herchelle Bales
Donald Beaman
Harvey Beaman
Paul Bean
Carroll Beane
Jack Bechtel
Junior Bechtel
Walter Beedle
Russell Bennett
William Bennett
Arlo Berg
John Berney
Leslie Bloomer
Junior Bond
Royal Bond
Robert Boos
William Boot II
Floyd A Brayman
James Wm. Brazzle
Walter Brazzle
Russell Bricker​
Dale Briley
​Ernest Brittain
Walter Brittain
Lelah Spatz Broderick
Dean T. Brooks
Norman Brott
Alva Brower
Zen Brower
Clifford Bullis
Ivan M. Burg
Junior Burger
Raymond Burger
Johnny Button
Jr Cade
Harold Cadwell
Glenn Caldwell
Loveu Canoe
Robert Carpenter
Robert Carr
James R. Cartwright
Glen Chaplin
Carroll Christensen
Junior A. Clayton
Earl Collins
Harley J. Collins
​Roy Collins
Ruby Collins
Gerald Conrad
Donald Cook
Helen Cook
Millard Cook
Carrol P. Cotten
Robert A. Cotten
Roy Alvin Cozad
H. D. Cron
George W. Cuckie
James Cushing
Forrest J. Daugherty
Leo Daugherty
Claire Davis
Max Davis
Raoul G. Davis
Rex Davis
Charles M. Dawson
Percy E. Dawson
Virval D. Dawson
Bill Denton
Raymond Douglas
Robert Douglas
Walter Downard
Archie Dunbar
Kenneth Dunn
Darrell Earp
Otis Earp
Harlan Edwards

Max L. England
David England
Roy England
Dean Evans
Robert H. Feldman
Robert W. Feller
Dale Ferguson
Don Fisher
Robert Fisher
James Flactiff
Ai Fletcher
Retta Flinn
Alan Forret
Albert Forret
Bernard Forret
​Clair Forret
Francis J. Forret
Vincent Forret

Francis French
Harold French